What Is a Hot Runner Mold and How Does It Work?


Do you know what a hot runner mold is? If not, don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, even many experienced injection molders aren’t familiar with the term. A hot runner mold is a specialized type of mold that’s used in the injection molding process to produce parts with runners and gates.


Overview of a Hot Runner Mold:

A hot runner mold is a type of mold that is used in the manufacture of plastic parts. The molten plastic is injected into the mold, and then it is allowed to cool and harden. The hot runner mold allows the molten plastic to be injected into the mold, and it also allows the plastic to be ejected from the mold.

The hot runner mold is made up of two halves. The halves are held together by magnets, and they are also sealed together with a silicone gasket. The molten plastic is injected into the mold through a set of nozzles that are located in the runners. These nozzles allow the molten plastic to be injected into the mold at high pressure, and they also allow the molten plastic to be ejected from the mold.


Types of Hot Runner Molds:

There are a few different types of hot runner molds. The two most common are the split cavity and the multiple cavities.

The split cavity mold is so named because it is literally two molds in one. The upper and lower molds are attached at the parting line, which is where the product is ejected. This type of mold is ideal for products that have a complex shape with many different parts, like a cell phone.

The multiple cavity mold is, as you might expect, made up of multiple cavities. This type of mold is used for products that have a simpler shape, like a bar of soap. Because each cavity can be heated independently, this type of mold is more versatile than the split cavity mold.


Benefits of Using a Hot Runner Mold:

Hot runner molds are an important part of the injection molding process. They help to regulate the temperature of the plastic as it is being injected, which leads to a better final product. There are several benefits of using a hot runner mold:

The first is that it leads to a more consistent product. The temperature is regulated more evenly, so the plastic is less likely to warp or distort as it cools. This leads to a higher quality product that looks the same every time it is manufactured.

Second, using a hot runner mold helps to reduce cycle time. This means that the mold can be closed and opened more quickly, which reduces the amount of time it takes to produce each product. As a result, you can produce more products in a shorter amount of time, which means higher profits for your business.

Finally, using a hot runner mold helps to reduce material costs. Because the plastic is injected at a higher temperature, you need less of it to produce a good quality product. This leads to significant savings for your business in terms of raw materials costs.


Challenges When Working With a Hot Runner Mold:

One challenge you might face when working with a hot runner mold is that you need to have a good understanding of the material you’re using.

The material needs to be compatible with the hot runner system, and it also needs to be able to withstand high temperatures. If the material can’t withstand the heat, it will degrade and cause problems with the mold.

Another challenge is that hot runner molds are more complex than traditional molds, so they require more care and maintenance. If you’re not careful, you can damage the mold or cause it to malfunction.

Finally, hot runner molds are more expensive than traditional molds, so you need to be sure that you’re getting a good return on investment. Otherwise, it might not be worth the hassle.


Troubleshooting Common Problems With a Hot Runner Mold:

If you’re having issues with your hot runner mold, the first thing you should check is the coil heater. Is it still securely fastened to the mold? If not, that could be your issue right there.

Another thing to check is the temperature controller. Is it set to the correct temperature? If not, that could be causing your problems.

If those two things are fine, then the next thing to check is the manifold. Is it clean and clear of any blockages? If not, that could be preventing the flow of plastic into the mold cavity.

Finally, check the nozzle. Is it clean and clear of any blockages? If not, that could be preventing the flow of plastic into the mold cavity.

If you’re still having problems after all of that, then you might need to consult a professional. But hopefully, this has helped you troubleshoot the most common problems with a hot runner mold.



Simply put, a hot runner mold is a molding tool that allows for the production of thermoplastic parts. It is used in conjunction with a hot runner system, which is a series of heated channels that carry molten plastic from the injection unit to the cavities of the mold.

Hot runner molds are popular among manufacturers because they produce parts with a high degree of accuracy and consistency. They are also relatively easy to use and maintain, making them a popular choice for manufacturers of all sizes.