2 Color Injection Molding Process


Do you want a plastic product that stands out in the crowd? Are you tired of relying on painting and labeling to create vibrant and intricate designs? Enter 2-color injection molding – an efficient and cost-effective way to produce plastic products with multiple colors, all in one go! With no post-processing involved, it’s time to consider injecting some life into your products with this unique 2 color injection molding process.


What is Injection Molding?

You’re probably familiar with the phrase “Piece of cake,” but have you ever heard about the 2 color injection molding process? It’s an advanced manufacturing method used to create highly precise plastic parts. Injection molding is a versatile technique that has been utilized in various industries since the 19th century and can produce almost any type of component imaginable—and now you can join the party! We’ll delve into how this complex process works and discuss some of its benefits—after all, knowledge is power!


Injection Molding Process:

Injection Molding is one of those rare processes where you need to get the details just right as if you were baking a cake. Too much heat or too little for too long isn’t a recipe for success. Injection Molding has such potential though, allowing intricate and precise parts to be formed from materials such as plastic, metal, and glass – truly amazing! Whether it’s making medical equipment, automotive parts, toys, and games, Injection Molding is a tried-and-tested process that provides strong designs with power and precision. In the world of Injection Molding, the devil is in the details – so pay meticulous attention.


Mold Specifications:

Two plastic materials of different colors are injected into the mold twice, although the product is only molded once. Typically, a set of molds are used for this molding method, which is also known as double injection molding. A specific 2 -color injection molding machine is required.

There are often the following prerequisites:

  1. The two shapes of the male die must be the same, whereas the two shapes of the female die must differ and generate a product independently.
  2. The mold must be the same after the center has been rotated by 180 degrees.
  3. The front panel’s combined thickness, including the A board, should not be less than 170mm. It is important to thoroughly research the maximum thickness of the mold, the minimum thickness of the die, and the distance of the KO hole.
  4. The three plate die’s water outlet might be made to automatically demolish.
  5. You can design a portion of the avoidance of void when designing the master mold for the second injection molding to prevent the second master mold from scratching the glue level of the first molded product. But it’s important to carefully assess each sealing site’s strength (i.e., in the injection molding, is there a plastic deformation under the large injection pressure, resulting in the possibility of a batch front in the second injection molding). ;
  6. When using injection molding, the size of the product can be slightly larger to allow for tighter fitting molding the second time around to get the desired sealing effect;


Color Types of Injection Molding:

When it comes to Injection Molding, there seems to be more out there in terms of color than a rainbow. One Injection Molding process can yield a variety of colors, ranging from straightforward browns and grays to the boldest of shades. It’s even possible to make Injection Molded items that combine different colors at once. Manufacturers wanting to stand out from their competition have been known to go all-out with Injection Molding in wild colors like bright green and brilliant yellow! So don’t forget you’re basic black – you have plenty of other options when it comes to Injection Molding from a color perspective.


Best color choice for injection molding:

Injection molding is a highly sophisticated form of manufacturing that demands accuracy at every step of the process. But beyond precision engineering, there is also an art to choosing the right color for your project. Typically, the cooler tones are favored due to their longevity and ease of use – blues, greens, whites, and other such neutrals convey classic style with little maintenance necessary. But if you’re looking to step outside the box for your injection molding project and stand out from the rest of the crowd, warm tones like reds, oranges, and yellows can add just enough flash to make your product shine. In any case, there’s a color for every injection molding application; it just requires a bit of creativity to find it.


Injection Molding Conclusion:

In conclusion, Injection Molding is one of the most popular plastic processes in the world today. It allows manufacturers to mass produce a variety of products with a high degree of accuracy that is simply not achievable with standard production methods. In addition, Injection Molding reduces waste and increases efficiency, making it an attractive choice for businesses everywhere. In conclusion, Injection Molding can be an incredibly useful process for any company looking to bring its products to market quickly and efficiently.